

Our specialists help you prevent and manage health conditions and meet your goals with individualized, 专家营养护理. 如需寻求临床营养护理,请致电 310-825-7921. 联络医疗体重管理计划,请致电 310-825-8173.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗体重管理项目 具有多学科团队经验丰富的医生, 护士, 注册营养师, clinical psychologists and therapists who are passionate about weight management. 我们利用饮食的组合, 身体活动和行为生活方式的改变, which are individually tailored to fit each individual’s weight loss goals.

Below are some of our patient stories and UCLA weight loss program reviews.



我瘦了15磅. My doctor said it was equivalent to a big five-gallon water bottle. 当你这样看的时候, 这是非常戏剧性的,苏珊说。, 谁加入了皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校肥胖风险因素体重管理项目. “One of the things that I think is different is that this weight program really touches on some of your basic psychological patterns. 的 classes help with weight loss, and it also helps with life overall. 我认为这是一个很棒的项目,因为它是如此的支持. It’s the total package, from the doctors to the lab work to the support of the staff. 这是一个很好的生活计划."  (来源: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康Facebook)



"My doctor created a graph of my blood-sugar levels over the last 10 years and you could follow the graph as it climbed. 他告诉我,一年内我就要吃糖尿病药了,史蒂文Batesole说, who followed his doctor's recommendation to join the UCLA Risk Factor Obesity Weight Management Program. “护理非常棒. Everybody is friendly, caring, attentive and responsive-it's been nothing but a positive experience. Everybody from the doctors on down is here to help the people who come here. 我参加这个项目已经有一年了,我已经减掉了90磅!" (来源: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康Facebook)


Oonagh Sankar

Oonagh Sankar

“我在一次会议上注意到一位同事, and I had to look at her about three times to realize it was the same person because she had lost so much weight,Oonagh Sankar说, a nurse at 罗恩ald Reagan UCLA Medical Center who joined the Risk Factor Obesity, 或RFO, Weight Management Program at the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition three years ago to lose weight and improve her health. “我目前处于维护阶段. I started off around 173 pounds and the lowest I went down to was 143 pounds. This diet program is different than other diet programs where they tell you what you can't do or limit your choices. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校, it's a cognitive behavioral approach where you learn how to manage food and manage daily situations. 它只是成为一种生活方式,而不是一种饮食."  (来源: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康Facebook)



“2005年9月,我以300磅的体重开始了皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的RFO项目. I was on five different prescription medications for a variety of conditions. 我只有37岁. 18年来,我一直在与肥胖作斗争. 我很害怕,很累,身体一直不舒服. 我真的感到无助和绝望. I believed that I was going to die too early as I could not find a way out of the physical prison I had created for myself with my body. 三年多以后,我从自己身上减了150多磅, and I now weight half of what I weighed when I began the program in 2005. 我不再服用任何处方药. 我不再害怕,不再疲倦,也不再有任何身体上的疼痛. I am hopeful now, and I no longer live in a prison of my own creation. I know that the UCLA RFO program provided me with the opportunity to save my own life. 的 RFO Program provided me with a team of support and for me at the center of that team is Debbie Lux, who leads the behavior modification and maintenance groups on Wednesday nights.  I learned many tools in that group that aided me my desire to remove the extra weight from my body. I gained invaluable knowledge about concepts ranging from environmental control with  food to the need for physical activity and self-management. I also received much needed support from the other patients in the program. I found a place where I had a voice and where I could relate to others in a way that no other weight loss program ever offered.  的re is nothing magic about this program it requires hard work and a deep personal commitment to one's self. 然而, I truly believe that with the right intention a person can utilize the structure and support that the RFO Program offers in order to change and save your life. 我就是活生生的证明,对此我深表感激."



的 brothers started the RFO Weight Loss Program at UCLA in January 2008. 刚开始时都超过了400磅, 到2008年12月的假期,他们每人都减掉了185磅以上, 一年后. 他们说:
“哇! 一年的变化是多么大啊. 我们无法相信. 我们每个人在一年内都减了185磅! 也是健康的方式. 我们和我们的家人万分感谢. 这完全改变了我们的生活. When we arrived at the program we did not know what to expect but you made it simple. 你向我们伸出双手,教会我们如何成功. 我们已经学到了很多关于营养、运动和身体的知识. 看看现在的我们. 一年前,我们觉得自己被困住了,现在我们又活过来了. 我们的人生观来了个180度大转弯. 我们感觉很健康. 我们感到惊奇和充满活力. 我们比以往任何时候都更享受生活和家庭. 谢谢,活着真好."




"As Thanksgiving approaches, and I think about what I am thankful for, RFO immediately comes to mind. 我在RFO项目中的经历是一个启示. That doesn't mean it doesn't have ups and downs, but such is life and RFO is no different. We learn to manage the ups and downs in our own individual ways with all the tools that are provided to us. RFO的独特之处在于员工. 的y are universally behind each and every participant 100% and they really know their stuff. 我一直在节食, 我以为我什么都知道, 但我每周都能学到新东西, 新的知识给了我信心, 这一次, 我可以保持体重. 原因是这些知识不仅仅是关于食物的...这也是关于我的. 我非常欣赏这个项目的另一个方面是团队. 我们每周都在一个房间里见面,坦诚相待. 对成功要诚实,对缺点要诚实. 诚实是自由的, 它给每个人带来希望, 我们可以处理缺点,从长远来看, 是成功的. 这个团体是一种鼓舞. So RFO is at the top of my list this Thanksgiving - a revelation and an inspiration - can't ask for more than that. As my family and friends hold up their wine and sparkling cider this Thanksgiving, 我会举起我的奶昔, 怀着极大的感激. 祝RFO的每个人感恩节快乐!"


“我在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校RFO项目的经历是非凡的!“我已经搬家了。 慢慢地走完这段旅程 and am thrilled that finally I have lost weight that has stayed off because I am breaking bad habits, it has taken me a lifetime to develop these bad habits and the RFO program is assisting me to slowly but surely replace the bad with healthy habits, 我再高兴不过了! 一开始, 我想很快减掉很多体重, but I have learned slowly and surely is healthier and has helped me achieve weight loss that stays gone :) "


RFO是我经历过的最好的减肥计划. Like most overweight adults, I have been to many, many weight loss programs. 凡是你能说出名字的项目,我都经历过. 每一次我的体重都明显减轻了. 他们都工作得很好... 直到他们没有. 他们都教我什么不该吃.  这几乎就是全部了. 一旦我达到了目标体重, 我会停止“节食”,慢慢地把减掉的体重都反弹回来, 再加上一点. RFO是第一个教我该吃什么的节目. 它轻松, through systematic small changes has led to a complete change of lifestyle as regards eating. 这并不是说我的饮食风格改变了. 我还是想吃什么就吃什么. 但是掌握了食物的知识 & 营养,我发现自己能做出更好的选择. I recommend this program to everyone who lets me know that they wish to reduce their weight.