
作为脊柱综合护理的领导者, we offer effective nonsurgical treatments and the latest minimally invasive procedures.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康脊柱中心, 你会发现, 世界一流的脊髓损伤护理, 失调和疾病. Our nationally recognized team can treat even the most complex conditions using advanced techniques. 作为创新脊柱护理的领导者,我们自豪地提供:

先进的脊柱治疗: Our spine specialists deliver leading-edge treatments for spine injuries and disorders. The UCLA Spine Center is one of only 50 training centers in the country that teaches surgeons the proper technique for disc arthroplasty (disc replacement). 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 orthopaedic experts also were the first to discover how to use the body’s own natural proteins to speed healing and reduce pain after spine fusion surgery.

微创手术技术: 我们经验丰富的外科医生使用电脑, detailed imaging and robotic technology to guide several spine surgeries. This technology allows us to perform complex surgical procedures with greater precision and better outcomes.

公认的专业技能: The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Spine Center is a Blue Distinction Center for 脊柱外科手术. This designation is granted by the Blue Cross Blue Shield association. Our program also has earned recognition for successful surgical outcomes and very low post-op readmission rates. These distinctions reflect our commitment to outstanding patient care.

综合治疗: Experts from neurosurgery and orthopaedics work together under one roof. 使用这种协调的方法, 我们的专家解决影响脊柱的问题, 神经和大脑. We discuss our patients’ treatment plans and work as a team to streamline excellent care. Patients can also get X-rays and physical therapy in the same building.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康脊柱中心, 我们为脊椎受伤的人提供全方位的护理, 失调和疾病. Our specialists work together to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered treatments. 我们的专长包括:

先进的现场诊断: For your convenience, we offer in-house X-rays and other imaging services. Our experts also perform electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies in the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Spine Center to diagnose the cause of nerve damage. We offer these services to deliver the most accurate diagnosis and coordinated care.

协同治疗方案: Our spine experts use a shared decision-making process to determine the treatment plan that best fits your lifestyle, 目标和整体健康. We help you understand your options and ensure that you’re comfortable and confident with the plan.

方便物理治疗: Rehabilitation and PT are essential to nearly every orthopaedic treatment and recovery plan. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康脊柱中心提供PT, 专业的超声波, 测量步态和平衡的力板设备, 矫形服务, 都在同一栋楼里. Our state-of-the-art facility includes a 4,000-square-foot gym with virtual technology. The facility’s convenient location enables us to incorporate PT into treatments and maximize healing.


Our experts treat the full range of conditions and disorders affecting the spine. Some of these conditions are present at birth (congenital); others develop over time or result from trauma, 年龄或疾病.

我们知道背痛会使人虚弱. 除了造成僵硬和移动问题, 背部疼痛会严重影响你的生活质量. Our experts use advanced treatments to deliver comprehensive care for people with:

  • 成人脊柱侧凸和青少年脊柱侧凸: 脊柱曲度
  • 关节炎: 关节炎包括骨关节炎, 类风湿性关节炎, 小关节关节炎和强直性脊柱炎
  • 畸形: A congenital condition that causes brain tissue in the back of the skull to grow down into the spinal canal (tubular area that contains the spinal cord)
  • 椎间盘退行性疾病及其他椎间盘问题: 条件 that affect the cushions between the spinal bones (vertebrae), 包括椎间盘突出(椎间盘滑脱)
  • 纤维肌痛: 引起全身疼痛的一种状况.
  • 骨髓炎: 骨头发炎
  • 脊髓损伤: Damage to the spinal cord (nerve bundle that connects to the brain) that can cause paralysis
  • 脊髓狭窄: Narrowing of the space around the spinal cord and nerves that branch off of it
  • 脊柱骨折: 椎骨断裂,脊椎断裂
  • 系留绳: 脊椎和脊髓之间的不正常的连接
  • 脊髓肿瘤: 脊髓上的生长和囊肿


我们的专家采用多专业的护理方法. Together they determine the most appropriate treatment for each patient. 作为一个团队, we carefully consider nonsurgical and surgical options to ensure the best possible outcome. 我们的专长是:


Our spine experts are dedicated to providing nonsurgical and minimally invasive treatments. We use the latest innovations in technology and therapies to deliver effective treatments, such as:

  • 定制理疗: We tailor rehabilitation programs and aquatic therapy for each injury or condition.
  • 止痛注射: We offer corticosteroid injections, trigger point injections and Botox®.
  • 射频消融术: 这个过程使用高热量来阻止神经疼痛.
  • 脊髓刺激: This innovative technique helps people with a spinal cord injury by restoring hand movement and function.


If you need surgery for a spine injury or condition, you’re in expert hands. Our outstanding spine surgeons perform leading-edge procedures effectively and safely. We specialize in minimally invasive techniques that involve less pain and recovery time. 我们的专长包括:

  • 生物融合: A revolutionary technique that uses the body’s own proteins to speed healing and reduce pain after spine fusion surgery
  • 盘关节成形术: 使用人工椎间盘进行椎间盘置换
  • 有效率: 切除部分椎间盘突出的微创手术
  • 影像引导脊柱手术: 一种利用机器人辅助提高精确度的技术
  • 腰椎融合术: Includes the minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) technique that uses smaller incisions and speeds recovery
  • 脊柱矫正手术: Includes several techniques to correct the spine’s alignment, restore posture and reduce pain


Our nationally recognized team brings together specialists in orthopaedics and neurosurgery. 我们和放射科医生一起工作, 物理治疗医师, physical therapists and pain management experts to bring you comprehensive care.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康脊柱中心, 我们的专家诊断, manage and treat spinal injuries and conditions using the latest techniques. Call 310-319-3475 与脊柱专家联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康脊柱中心, 我们的专家诊断, 管理和治疗所有脊柱损伤和疾病. Call 310-319-3475 与脊柱专家联系.