This information explains your right to make healthcare decisions and how you can plan now for your medical care if you are unable to speak for yourself in the future.

联邦法律要求我们向你提供这些信息. We hope this information will help you increase your control over your medical treatment.


你的医生会给你有关治疗的信息和建议. 你有选择的权利. 你可以对你想要的治疗说“是”. You can say “No” to any treatment that you don’t want – even if the treatment might keep you alive longer.


Your doctor must tell you about your medical condition and about what different treatments and pain management alternatives can do for you. 许多治疗都有“副作用”.” Your doctor must offer you information about problems that medical treatment is likely to cause you.

Often, more than one treatment might help you – and people have different ideas about which is best. Your doctor can tell you which treatments are available to you, but your doctor can’t choose for you. 这是你的选择,取决于什么对你来说是重要的.


Yes. Patients often turn to their relatives and close friends for help in making medical decisions. 这些人可以帮助你思考你所面临的选择. You can ask the doctors and nurses to talk with your relatives and friends. 他们可以帮你问医生和护士问题.


Yes. You may tell your doctor that you want someone else to make healthcare decisions for you. Ask the doctor to list that person as your healthcare “surrogate” in your medical record. The surrogate’s control over your medical decisions is effective only during treatment for your current illness or injury or, 如果你在医疗机构, 直到你离开这里.


如果你还没有指定代孕母亲, your doctor will ask your closest available relative or friend to help decide what is best for you. 大多数情况下,这是有效的. 但有时每个人都不同意该做什么. That’s why it is helpful if you can say in advance what you want to happen if you can’t speak for yourself.


No. In fact, it is better to choose before you get very sick or have to go into a hospital, 养老院, 或者其他医疗机构. You can use an Advance Health Care Directive to say who you want to speak for you and what kind of treatments you want. These documents are called “advance” because you prepare one before healthcare decisions need to be made. They are called “directives” because they state who will speak on your behalf and what should be done.

皇冠hga025, the part of an advance directive you can use to appoint an agent to make healthcare decisions is called a Power of Attorney For Health Care. The part where you can express what you want done is called an Individual Health Care Instruction.


You can if you are 18 years or older and are capable of making your own medical decisions. 你不需要律师.


You can choose an adult relative or any other person you trust to speak for you when medical decisions must be made.


Usually, a healthcare agent will make decisions only after you lose the ability to make them yourself. But, 如果你愿意, you can state in the Power of Attorney for Health Care that you want the agent to begin making decisions immediately.


在你选择了你的代理人之后,和那个人谈谈你想要什么. Sometimes treatment decisions are hard to make, and it truly helps if your agent knows what you want. 你也可以在预先指示中写下你的愿望.


You can still write out your wishes in your advance directive, without naming an agent. 你可以说你想让你的生命尽可能地延续下去. 或者你可以说你不想继续你的生活. Also, you can express your wishes about the use of pain relief or any other type of medical treatment.

Even if you have not filled out a written Individual Health Care Instruction, 你可以和你的医生讨论你的愿望, 让你的医生在你的病历上列出这些愿望. 或者你可以和你的家人或朋友讨论你的愿望. But it will probably be easier to follow your wishes if you write them down.


You can change or cancel your advance directive at any time as long as you can communicate your wishes. 改变你想要的人来做你的医疗决定, 你必须签署一份声明或告诉负责你的医生.


The same rules apply to anyone who makes healthcare decisions on your behalf – a healthcare agent, 你把她的名字告诉了你的医生, 或者法院指定的替你做决定的人. 所有人都需要遵循您的健康护理说明或, if none, 你对治疗的总体愿望, 包括停止治疗. 如果不知道你的治疗愿望, 代理人必须尽力确定什么对你最有利. The people providing your health care must follow the decisions of your agent or surrogate unless a requested treatment would be bad medical practice or ineffective in helping you. 如果这引起了无法解决的分歧, the provider must make a reasonable effort to find another healthcare provider to take over your treatment.


Absolutely. 你还是会得到治疗的. 我们只是想让你知道,如果你病得无法做决定, 别人会帮你做的. 记住:

A POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE lets you name an agent to make decisions for you. Your agent can make most medical decisions – not just those about life sustaining treatment – when you can’t speak for yourself. 如果你愿意,你也可以让你的代理提前做决定.

YOU CAN CREATE AN INDIVIDUAL HEALTHCARE INSTRUCTION by writing down your wishes about health care or by talking with your doctor and asking the doctor to record your wishes in your medical file. 如果你知道什么时候你想要或不想要某种治疗, an Instruction provides a good way to make your wishes clear to your doctor and to anyone else who may be involved in deciding about treatment on your behalf.

THESE TWO TYPES OF ADVANCE HEALTHCARE DIRECTIVES may be used together or separately.


Ask your doctor, nurse, social worker, or healthcare provider to get more information for you. 你可以让律师为你写一份预先指示, or you can complete an advance directive by filling in the blanks on a form.